
Figment’s daily theme:

Your Daily Theme for June 6, 2013
A “meet-cute” is a charming first interaction between two characters who will become romantically involved. (Think the tangled dog leashes in 101 Dalmatians.) Write a meet-cute between two characters.

Headphones clamped around her ears, vacuum-sealed, she couldn’t hear the argument raging just four feet away; couldn’t hear the net café customer yell himself hoarse about having lost his seat to some “random girl off the road”; didn’t see the owner apologetically but firmly shrug a diplomatic “no”; didn’t notice the disgruntled visitor throw himself down on the chair next, sighing audibly. She was lost, fighting far off people from far off lands…and she won. Again. She only noticed when the angry fist-on-table near her shook the table. She looked up, as did he. More than the table shook.

Link to my piece on Figment: